+38 (044) 232-28-34
+38 (067) 462-46-20
The private Detective Agency provides the customers with specially trained professionals for fulfilment of various assignments in Ukraine and Europe. We guarantee absolute confidentiality when fulfilling the given tasks. Our experts may be entrusted with the most difficult and delicate assignments such as representation of the customer’s interests at negotiations, dispatch and delivery of valuable cargoes and documents, reception at the airport, railway stations, bus terminals, holding of operational events, video and photo recording of events, actions, objects etc. which the customer is interested in. The main requirement for performance of the tasks given to the private detectives is compliance with the legislation of the countries where they are fulfilled. Our agents strictly observe the time limits for fulfilment of the assumed assignments and provide a complete report on the performed work to the customer.
An agent, preserving confidentiality, will fulfill both single and long-term assignments of whatever complexity for a customer in Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia) and the European countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Germany, France). Our experts are professionally experienced, psychologically trained and willing to act as agents for holding of negotiations on both business projects and marital and everyday relations.
Fulfillment of assignments requiring confidentiality:
At the customer’s option, taking into consideration the importance and secrecy of the assignment, there may be only one person who is aware of the given task. A stage-by-stage fulfilment by some persons as well as a multilevel model when each agent, strictly observing confidentiality, will exactly fulfil the tasks specifically given to him, are possible. Our Agency’s detectives may solve problems in everyday, marital, personal and corporate areas observing the confidential approach and keeping secrecy of the customer.
Our agents are willing to fulfil assignments of any complexity and importance which do not contradict legality. When fulfilling assignments with special purpose and delicacy, our experts will analyse all circumstances, taking into consideration all facts, give a legal advice and help to find legal ways to fulfil the customer’s assignment.
For our Agency’s detectives, all assignments are important. In each specific case, they implement a customized approach. Our employees will analyse all facts, determine the degree of complexity of assignments taking into consideration every aspect and propose appropriate experts for fulfilment of even the most difficult tasks. At the customer’s option, taking into consideration the seriousness and delicacy of his/her problem, observing anonymity, our detectives will render services in the personal domain, related to property and finances.
Our Agency also covers a wide range of services in search of missing employees, arrangement of negotiations and meetings, furnishing of certificates, documents, extracts, participation in negotiations by proxy in the customer’s interests.
When necessary for a customer, our experts may use closed phone and Internet channels for transmission of encrypted information in order to observe confidentiality to prevent wiretapping and monitoring as well as reliable protection settings to avoid seizure of e-mail which is also of confidential nature.
The Agency guarantees confidentiality, anonymity and privacy to their customers.
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