+38 (044) 232-28-34
+38 (067) 462-46-20
Private investigations are conducted for the purpose of preservation of business under tough competition and its protection from any kind of fraudulence, unreliable partners, unfair competitors and employees; for ensuring stable and profitable operation of a company.
In order to ensure legal and commercial security of legal entities, competent private detectives of our Agency will conduct business investigations and provide a customer with full objective information about the subject he/she is interested in, obtained from various sources:
BJS Agency conducts commercial investigations about business of the subject which the customer is interested in:
For stable functioning of a company, BJS Detective Agency’s experts will perform integrated, independent and high-quality audit for legal entities. Audit is a full inspection of both own business and ones of competitors, counteragents, suppliers, customers and partners.
Audit is necessary for smooth and profitable production operation, in order to protect own business from any kind of risks, plunder, costs, falsifications, information leakages which may result in losses. Inspection covers the financial status, namely accounting and fiscal reports. It also includes a check-up of the staff, especially the management who have the access to confidential information which is a commercial secret and inspection of premises using special equipment for bugs in order to avoid industrial espionage.
Audit is of especial importance in cooperation with business partners. It is necessary for investment, conclusion of contracts and agreements. This involves full legal and financial check-up of a potential partner for reliability and commercial capacities for the purpose of avoiding fraudulence in order not to be involved in criminal structures.
When preparing for such procedures, our Company will provide you with a detective who, based on analysis and special inspection, will furnish the customer with information on lawfulness (legality) and commercial profitability, which will help not to be caught into nets of bloated balances of unfair partners. Our Agency’s detectives are qualified experts. Having the experience of work at the law enforcement authorities, they render their services in Russia and Ukraine and will help in conducting private investigations, searches for legal entities and furnish the customers with full, thorough and unbiased (analysis-based) information.
The detectives apply legal investigation methods without violating the effective legislation, use advanced technological innovations and methods; they will conduct high-quality investigation for legal entities about debtors, unfair partners and search of lost goods and cargoes.
Private investigations of the detectives of our agency are the key to success for any business under tough competition.
BJS’ professionals will cope even with the most nonstandard and complicated situations keeping strict confidentiality. The information obtained by them will grant you the strong confidence in safety of your business, which means its successfulness and prosperity. Remember that the one who possesses information possesses the world! ©
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