+38 (044) 232-28-34
+38 (067) 462-46-20
Most often, people coming to Ukraine from other countries, carrying out a business here or students don’t know many laws, legal nuances or the language which may result in their facing various difficulties. Issues may arise with registration, business competitors, the police, medical treatment etc.
Many foreigners open or want to open their business in Ukraine. And this involves many risks. One of the issues is competition and information leakage. Competitors resort to various tricks in order to seize other’s information (theft of other’s projects using bugs etc.). Debtors who won’t fulfil their liabilities after a transfer of investments to partner companies or persons are another concern. All these require security checks.
Our Detective Agency will help in solution of various problems and issues. Our team includes the following experts:
Our Detective Agency’s employees will give you a high-level advice on any issues you are interested in and help you to find the most suitable solution for each specific situation.
We may offer the following services in ensuring security of a business in Ukraine:
When coming to Ukraine, Kyiv for studies, work or other reasons, a foreign citizen must have his/her residence registered (temporarily or permanently). The registration stamp is put in the respective document, and without it a foreigner cannot stay, reside, work and exercise the granted rights with no problems. In addition, an insurance policy that will cover the costs of medical treatment in case of accidents or injuries is also important
Our Agency’s lawyers will render their services and help in the shortest time possible to prepare all necessary documents and applications, to solve any issues of residence registration, insurance etc. always in compliance with the law.
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