Marital Adventurers

Marital Adventurers: Swindlers Playing Love

брачные аферисты

For many parents, their children are the highest value. But one day, a new person who may evoke little trust and sympathy comes into the family. Each parent, who has put a part of life and sleepless nights into the child, wishes good luck and a worthy match for him or her. Unfortunately, in our difficult time, such phenomenon as marital adventurers is not rare. Having become a victim of whom, people receive a psychological injury and a lot of problems often sustaining considerable financial losses.

Social Media Fraudsters: Features and Behaviors

 As technologies develop and once the Internet became available, acquaintances and communication through the social networks such as Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram etc. have become available, which opens access to communication with citizens of other countries such as Turkey, Germany, Egypt, USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine etc. And fraudsters also often profit by this. Among millions of people, often there are adventuresses who dream of marrying well-to-do foreigners; mostly, they are girls from the CIS countries who dream of conning money out of a well-to-do foreigner or a compatriot. The list of frauds may be long: gigolos, citizens of eastern countries who already have the wife and children in their country etc.


Most often, such fraudsters are backed by a whole group of people who design schemes of marital frauds. The schemes and tricks of such frauds are may widely vary; for example, a scheme of casual acquaintance in a bar, a club, a public place or a dating website when fraudsters have already collected information about the victim.

How to detect a marital adventurer on one’s own?

 If parents or relatives, or family friends, or the groom / bride him or herself have suspicions about the match, the check is necessary.

It is very difficult to collect or check information about a person on one’s own.

With only suspicions of unreliability of facts or the feeling of distrust, we won’t be able to solve the problem on our own. The more so as it may happen that parents regard the choice of their child with prejudice and inequity, which also may not be excluded. Therefore in both cases, one may need help of professionals who may solve such issues with skill, destroying no other’s life and with no harm. This is what the profession of a private detective is meant for.

How to check a bride or a groom?

Some marriage agencies also cannot appropriately check information on prospective spouses due to which cases with deceived foreign citizens are not rare in our times. In order to avoid further problems, the check must be done before wedding.

And in order to check a person, one needs to collect necessary and reliable information from reliable sources anonymously.

This requires access to closed online databases etc. in order to learn whether the person has criminal background, property, previous marriages, children etc.

One scarcely may manage the situation without special training, skills and help.

People often apply to us not only for check of brides and grooms but also sons and daughters-in-law.

How to expose marital adventurers? Detective’s work

 It is not the first year that detective agencies specialize in solving such issues. Our Agency also cooperates with family psychologists who will help to prevent psychological mistakes which may appear in the course of exposure.

They will conduct the necessary check up to the mark, confidentially, using special devices, with a possibility to go abroad; the Agency’s lawyers will also check international online databases of fraudsters who are entered in the international blacklists.

Our lawyers will check:

  • marital adventurers and fraudsters in Kyiv, Moscow and CIS
  • passport data, previous convictions, property, marriages, children etc. through registry offices
  • whether the person may or may not go abroad and, if not, for what reasons
  • will check and prepare a marriage contract
  • will collect and anonymously provide photo and video proofs
  • will check the apartment for bugs


Collection of information about a close person

 Serious relationships are mostly impossible without trust. Sometimes, there may be psychologically difficult situations of deception by seemingly the closest people with whom one shares the most valuable things; they are spouses (husband and wife), brother and sister-in-law.


In order that in such a case life may not turn into a sheer torment and in order to clarify the situation, it is necessary to check information with the help of a detective.

Price: how much do the services in exposure of adventurers cost?

The price of the services depend on each specific case, the number of people involved, time spent, devices used, complexity of the situation etc. BJS Agency’s employees will provide detailed information about prices of the services and suggest the most suitable options of solution of the tasks.

In order to avoid any problems caused by marital frauds, BJS Agency will be helpful. Do you doubt in decency of the prospective bride or groom? Please, call us and we will help you!

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Obtaining of a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine

Permanent residence in Ukraine


  • Permit for permanent residence in Ukraine
  • How to obtain a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine?
  • Documents for permanent residence in Ukraine
  • What are the term and the price for obtaining of a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine?


The procedure of obtaining of a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine is effortful, costly and often nervous but, simultaneously, necessary. At that, having obtained the permit, a foreign citizen may exercise rights and obligations provided by the legislation such as employment, unlimited stay in the country etc.


Permit for permanent residence in Ukraine and Kyiv


A permit for permanent residence in Kyiv and Ukraine is issued at the Visa and Registration Office in the provided manner and within the provided time limits to non-residents, citizens of the European countries, Russia (the Russian Federation), Belarus, Lithuania, Germany, Poland etc.


Subject to possession of the Ukrainian passport, residents of Crimea needn’t obtain a permit for permanent residence as they are Ukrainian citizens.


How to obtain a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine?


For obtaining a permit for permanent residence and the right to reside in Ukraine, foreign citizens and stateless persons need to know the legislation, the obtaining rules, to spend a lot of time and money.


Obtaining of a permanent residence certificate requires a set of documents. The obtaining procedure is rather complicated, and prior to obtain the document attesting the right to permanent residence, one should get permission from the Immigration Service.


The Act of Ukraine on Immigration provides 2 groups of persons entitled to immigration and obtaining of a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine.


Persons who immigrate on the quota basis are:


  • cultural figures and scientists
  • highly qualified experts
  • persons who have invested not less than USD 100 thousand in the Ukrainian economy
  • parents, spouses and underage children of an immigrant (a person who has obtained a permanent residence permit)
  • refugees etc.


The second group is the persons who have a possibility to become immigrants out of the quota:


  • children and parents of Ukrainian citizens
  • guardians of Ukrainian citizens etc.


If a person who desires to obtain a permanent residence permit resides within Ukraine, the procedure of obtaining of the permanent residence certificate takes places along with obtaining of an immigration permit. A person residing outside Ukraine needs to obtain an immigration permit for entry into the country. For such permit, the Consulate or Embassy of Ukraine issues a visa which will be valid within a year from the date of the issue.


What are the documents required for obtaining of a permit for permanent residence in Ukraine?


The list of the documents required for obtaining of the permit is:


  • a copy of the passport
  • grounds for immigration (such as a marriage to a Ukrainian citizen) attested documentarily
  • a document attesting residence with the right to registration therein


The terms and the price for obtaining of a permit for permanent residence


The term of issue of a document attesting the right to reside in Ukraine by the Visa and Registration Office, according to the obtaining rules, is about a week, which may significantly differ practically. The costs of the services at the executive authorities have been approved by the Decree No. 795 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 04th June 2007 and are reviewed from time to time.


BJS Agency’s lawyers will:


  • help to avoid many losses, either financial or others
  • advise on all interesting questions about obtaining and readiness of documents, composing applications, filling in forms etc.
  • provide rates for the services
  • help in undergoing the check-ups
  • help in the issues of obtaining of a permanent residence permit, insurance policies (medical insurance), an employment permit etc.

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Confidential assignments

Confidential assignments in Ukraine and Europe


The private Detective Agency provides the customers with specially trained professionals for fulfilment of various assignments in Ukraine and Europe. We guarantee absolute confidentiality when fulfilling the given tasks. Our experts may be entrusted with the most difficult and delicate assignments such as representation of the customer’s interests at negotiations, dispatch and delivery of valuable cargoes and documents, reception at the airport, railway stations, bus terminals, holding of operational events, video and photo recording of events, actions, objects etc. which the customer is interested in. The main requirement for performance of the tasks given to the private detectives is compliance with the legislation of the countries where they are fulfilled. Our agents strictly observe the time limits for fulfilment of the assumed assignments and provide a complete report on the performed work to the customer.


Private detective for fulfillment of simple and complicated assignments


An agent, preserving confidentiality, will fulfill both single and long-term assignments of whatever complexity for a customer in Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia) and the European countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Germany, France). Our experts are professionally experienced, psychologically trained and willing to act as agents for holding of negotiations on both business projects and marital and everyday relations.


What are the kinds of confidential assignments? The task list


Fulfillment of assignments requiring confidentiality:


  • gathering and furnishing of information to the customer on the subject he/she interested in;
  • visiting individuals, organizations and institutions and attending events with assignments;
  • representing the customer’s interests at various negotiations, bids, auctions with or without a power of attorney certified by a notary;
  • finding out actual addresses of facilities, companies and home addresses of people based on the addresses;
  • reception and dispatch of persons, cargoes and goods in airports, railway stations and bus terminals;
  • transportation and accommodation arrangement for visitants;
  • control over performance of works;
  • control over business trips;
  • confidential delivery of cargoes and goods;
  • video and photo recording of events, actions, objects and persons etc. which the customer is interested in;
  • search of missing relatives, friends as well as visiting them with an assignment;
  • gathering of various certificates and documents including ones issued by registry offices and archives;
  • expert examinations, DNA;
  • Mystery shopping service for assessment of service quality based on your scenario with furnishing reports containing hidden video and audio recordings.


Confidential assignments: specificity of fulfilment


At the customer’s option, taking into consideration the importance and secrecy of the assignment, there may be only one person who is aware of the given task. A stage-by-stage fulfilment by some persons as well as a multilevel model when each agent, strictly observing confidentiality, will exactly fulfil the tasks specifically given to him, are possible. Our Agency’s detectives may solve problems in everyday, marital, personal and corporate areas observing the confidential approach and keeping secrecy of the customer.


A mystery shopper: timely fulfilment of a confidential assignment


Our agents are willing to fulfil assignments of any complexity and importance which do not contradict legality. When fulfilling assignments with special purpose and delicacy, our experts will analyse all circumstances, taking into consideration all facts, give a legal advice and help to find legal ways to fulfil the customer’s assignment.


The importance of the customer’s assignment is an importance for our detective. Observance of legality


For our Agency’s detectives, all assignments are important. In each specific case, they implement a customized approach. Our employees will analyse all facts, determine the degree of complexity of assignments taking into consideration every aspect and propose appropriate experts for fulfilment of even the most difficult tasks. At the customer’s option, taking into consideration the seriousness and delicacy of his/her problem, observing anonymity, our detectives will render services in the personal domain, related to property and finances.


Our Agency also covers a wide range of services in search of missing employees, arrangement of negotiations and meetings, furnishing of certificates, documents, extracts, participation in negotiations by proxy in the customer’s interests.


A detective: an authorized representative and a professional in search


When necessary for a customer, our experts may use closed phone and Internet channels for transmission of encrypted information in order to observe confidentiality to prevent wiretapping and monitoring as well as reliable protection settings to avoid seizure of e-mail which is also of confidential nature.


The Agency guarantees confidentiality, anonymity and privacy to their customers.

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